Abstract—To improve Winkler foundation model that ignores the shear effect of the layered soil, the second soil elastic parameter is introduced to take into account the shear deformation of soil. An initial parameter method is developed to solve the dynamic differential equation of lateral vibration for a pile which is embedded in a layered Pasternak foundation. By means of the transfer matrix method, the relationship of the lateral displacement, rotation angle, bending moment and shear force between the pile head and pile tip is investigated. Based on the boundary conditions as well as the continuity conditions, the accuracy of the theoretical derivation and the calculation program of the natural frequency has been verified through an engineering example. The method in this paper gives much better results in contrast to the energy method and equivalent depth method. The analysis also demonstrates that the role of soil shear makes the dynamic stiffness of a pile increase when compared with one in the Winkler foundation model.
Index Terms—Bridge pier, natural frequency, pasternak foundation, soil-foundation dynamic interaction.
The authors are with the College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China (email: sunying0907@126.com, dingzhou57@yahoo.com).
Cite: Ying Sun and Ding Zhou, "Natural Frequency of Bridge Pier Considering Soil Shear Effect in Layer Foundation," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 474-479, 2017.