Abstract—The increased growth in the railway sector has resulted in an increase in the train traffic density across the world. This has resulted in the increase in the number of accidents involving trains. In this paper, the proposed system aims at averting collisions between trains and further it is used to provide the driver with information on obstacles present in the track. The proposed system is an upgrade to the existing TPWS and ACD systems. The system makes use of RFID, FLIR cameras and other embedded systems.
Index Terms—RFID, transmitter, receiver.
Raghav Prashanth V is with the presently pursuing his Masters in Electrical Engineering at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio (e-mail: raghav_prashanth@yahoo.co.in).
Uvaraja Sadhana is with the presently working at Wipro, Hyderabad, India as a project engineer.
Cite: Uvaraja. S. and Raghav Prashanth. V, "Advanced Pre-Warning System (Railways).,"
International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 4, no. 2, pp.213-215, 2012.