Abstract—Smart control systems, especially lighting ones, have become essential in energy-saving fields. However, these technologies can be implemented in buildings with other objectives such as ensuring human health.
Unsuitable light exposure can seriously endanger human health due to the circadian rhythm disruption. Considering all lighting parameters, a suitable Circadian Stimulus (CS) can be achieved. Thus, the regulation of this variables by control systems to promote a good circadian rhythm and to benefit human health and well-being is crucial.
The main aim of this research is to set up the keys to develop a novel control scheme that include CS levels as the main factor to consider. From the study of already developed methodologies this research concludes with a diagram proposal to be considered in the development of the new algorithm of lighting control systems.
Index Terms—Lighting control systems, circadian stimulus, optimization, control logic, algorithm.
R. M. López, M. T. Aguilar, S. Domínguez and M. A. Campano are with the Department of Building Construction I, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain (e-mail: remloplov@alum.us.es, maragucar3@alum.us.es, sdomin@us.es, mcampano@us.es).
Cite: R. M. López, M. T. Aguilar, S. Domínguez-Amarillo, and M. A. Campano, "Roadmap for User-Performance Drive Lighting Management Logic," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 143-149, 2019.