Abstract—In recent years, the transformation of
construction companies using contemporary management
approaches has gained momentum according to acclimate
changing conditions. Because developing knowledge increases
the competition rapidly. The organizations which are able to
learn faster with all of the elements achieve the development
and survival. The concept of learning organization is one the
most important approaches for adapting the organizations to
new environment. Although the researches of business and
management sciences have explored the effectiveness of this
subject intensively, the concept of learning organization in
construction sector has not been entirely investigated yet. For
this reason, in this study, learning organization is introduced
and examines in terms of construction industry which is quite
different from other industries.
Index Terms—Construction management, knowledge
management, learning organization, learning process.
The authors are with Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Department of
Civil Engineering, Eskisehir, Turkey (e-mail: galbayrak@ogu.edu.tr,
albayrak@ogu.edu.tr, iozdemir@ogu.edu.tr).
Cite: Gülçağ Albayrak, Uğur Albayrak, and İlker Özdemir, "The Importance of the Learning Organization in
Construction Industry," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 501-504, 2018.