Abstract—The location method about transfer hub in
clustered city is different from the method in ring type city
because the different layout of the land in the two type cities.
In this paper, the defect about the one element analytic model
method and the multivariate optimisation analysis model
produce unsuitable result when used for location of transfer
hub in clustered cities is pointed out, and the location of
transfer hub in clustered cities is supposed as location of
semidefinite form, the bilevel programming model for the
location of transfer hub in clustered cities is built based on the
land condition and the transportation condition, and the
Interactive relationship between the distribution of transfer
hub and traffic network and traffic flow, the solve step is given,
and the example about the two clusters of one clustered cities is
gave to test and verify the model,the result make clear that
the model can supply theoretical support for the location of
transfer hub in clustered cities.
Index Terms—Traffic engineering, clustered cities, Location
of transfer hub, location of semidefinite form, bilevel
programming model.
Ren Qi-liang is with the College of Traffic &Transportaiton Chongqing
Jiaotong University, Chongqing, 400074, China (e-mail: cqrql@126.com).
Cite: Ren Qi-Liang, "Model for the Location of Transfer Hub in Clustered
Cities," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 497-500, 2018.