Abstract—Due to rapid development of the building materials market, it is necessary to constantly improve the products offered by suppliers by optimizing production processes and improving the quality of finished product. The paper presents the most popular methods of bitumen modification used in waterproofing products. At present the most commonly used bitumen modifiers are compounds from the group of polymers (e.g. SBS). The advantages and disadvantages of this kind of modification, which mainly consists in physical interaction, are described in this paper. In addition to this, an innovative bitumen modification agent is presented. These are imidazolines which enter into chemical reaction with modified bitumen. The impact of both modifiers on the changes of selected bitumen characteristics are presented, i.e. on penetration, softening point, breaking point, flexural stiffness modulus, dynamic viscosity and adhesion to aggregate. The results obtained allow us to assume that the development of a hybrid modifier based on SBS polymer and technical imidazolines will eliminate the existing weaknesses of modified bitumen containing only SBS. This, in turn, will improve the quality and durability of finished waterproofing products and their production process will become faster and cheaper.1
Index Terms—Bitumen, modification, polymers, imidazolines, waterproofing products.
Maria Ratajczak, Michał Babiak, Marcin Bilski, and Krzysztof Zieliński are with the Poznan University of Technology, Poznań, Poland (e-mail: maria.ratajczak@put.poznan.pl, michal.babiak@put.poznan.pl, marcin.bilski@put.poznan.pl, krzysztof.zielinski@put.poznan.pl).
Jacek Kosno is with the Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis "Blachownia", Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland (e-mail: kosno.j@icso.com.pl).
Cite: Maria Ratajczak, Michał Babiak, Marcin Bilski, Krzysztof Zieliński, and Jacek Kosno, "Innovative Methods of Bitumen Modification Used in Waterproofing," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 308-314, 2018.