Abstract—Today, ship related technology development and research are actively carried out. With the development of telecom systems, ships and offshore plants can be managed and controlled from any location on the planet. Major applications are smart ship, optimal ship routing, and unmanned vessel, all of which are upgrading based on telecom systems. In the first place, telecom systems served as tools for long-distance communication, but now they include all systems related to data or information. Still, however, telecom systems are not standardized due to regulatory and financial limitations. A ship installs a complex ensemble of countless cables and equipment for the interface of its telecom systems. And since new ship technologies are solely focused on sharing with existing systems, they continue to add cables and equipment. Like this, half-finished ship technology only adds to vessel weight and increases the costs for design and maintenance and repair. Telecom systems should be standardized to steer clear of the need for physical expansion, while systematic management should be ensured by introducing standard management systems like TMS. This paper proposes a method to realize integrated interface for telecom systems and TMS.
Index Terms—TMS, telecom, vessel, interface.
Jungwoo Kim is with Department of Power Control & Automation Design, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Ulsan, Korea (e-mail: kimjungwoo@hhi.co.kr).
Jooyoung Son is with Division of Marine IT Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan, Korea (e-mail: mmlab@kmou.ac.kr).
Kyoungkuk Yoon is with Department of R&D Center, Seanet Co., Ltd., Busan, Korea (e-mail: kkyoon@sea-net.co.kr)
Cite: Jungwoo Kim, Jooyoung Son, and Kyoungkuk Yoon, "An Implementation of Integrated Interfaces for Telecom Systemsand TMS in Vessels," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 195-199, 2018.