Abstract—The beach of Tainan Gold Coast (TGC) has been suffering from beach erosion for the past decades. Few bathymetrical measurements are available to accurately estimate the annual and seasonal shoreline changes. Alternatively, the NDWI-based algorithm is used to extract the waterline of a satellite image and the shifting correction of a waterline to the shoreline due to tidal effect is proposed in the paper. The proposed method was examined to be valid for engineering application from a comparison with slight difference between two obtained shorelines and measured in-site shorelines for 2004 and 2006. Annual and seasonal rates of shoreline changes are estimated by the proposed method for TGC. The shoreline of the northern TGC moves onshore in the summer and oppositely offshore in the winter. The ratio per year at the southern beach of TGC is assessed to show severe erosion. The proposed method is applicable for studying the shoreline change.
Index Terms—Shoreline change, image fusion, multispectral image, seasonal variation.
H. K. Chang, W. W. Chen, F. C. Tsai, and J. C. Liou are with the Department of Civil Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan (e-mail: hkc@mail.nctu.edu.tw, steve.cv90g@nctu.edu.tw, frank0451250.cv04g@g2.nctu.edu.tw, jcliou.cv87g @nctu.edu.tw).
Shao-Gu Kuo is with Harbor and Coastal Engineering Department, CECI Engineering Consultants, Inc., Taipei 11491, Taiwan (e-mail: bruce@ceci.com.tw).
Cite: Hsien-Kuo Chang, Wei-Wei Chen, Feng-Chun Tsai, Jing-Chen Liou, and Shao-Gu Kuo, "Annual and Seasonal Shoreline Evolution of Tainan Gold Coast Using Multiband Satellite Images," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 52-56, 2018.