Abstract—This paper suggests an efficient estimation method for the ADAS (advanced driver assistance system) and Real-Time Context-aware. It also examines a prototype system that employs the aforementioned method. The suggested system uses the vehicle’s location and driver’s information to deal with accident vulnerable points. It informs drivers of appropriate distance of approach and alerts them so that drivers can efficiently recognize communication information. For the performance evaluation of the suggested system, the NASA-TLX (Task Load Index) and SUS (System Usability Scale) evaluation were performed. The results of the analysis demonstrate that this system is more efficient than existing systems.
Index Terms—Advanced driver assistance, context-aware, real-time, vehicle.
Byunghun Oh is with ICT HRD Institute for New Value Creation at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (e-mail: sincelife83@ naver.com).
Hyohaeng Lee is with PYD Corporation, Korea (e-mail: hyohaeng@skku.edu).
Cite: Byunghun Oh and Hyohaeng Lee, "Estimation Method for Advanced Driver Assistance System and Real-Time Context-Aware," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 503-506, 2017.