Abstract—A feasible program schedule and personnel allocation model may contribute to identifying the final shape of a program organization. If a program organizational design can be shown to be constructed such that it will satisfy the requirements without violating the constraints, then the design may be considered a feasible solution. This paper targets program organizations that are capable of designing and developing complex products. The approach in this paper builds upon the results of the Program Organizational Architecture Framework (POAF). We utilize constraint programming in order to extend the architecture framework and find a feasible design. Important decision variables and constraints are considered in this study. A hypothetical scenario of an ongoing program is presented to demonstrate that a given program organizational design is a feasible solution. This approach enables the program designers to support the decision-making process of implementing an effective program organizational design to manage a complex system and select the "best" program organizational structure.
Index Terms—Constraint programming, complex products, systems engineering management, organizational development.
Adel Alblawi and Jerrell Stracener are with Southern Methodist University (SMU), USA (e-mail: aalblawi@smu.edu, jerrell@engr.smu.edu).
Jeffery Williams is with Securaplane Technologies, USA.
Cite: Adel Alblawi, Jerrell Stracener, and Jeffery Williams, "A Feasible Program Organizational Architecture Framework," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 166-173, 2017.