Abstract—The rise of MOOC provides new opportunities and challenges for the development of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Based of the CBI and ESP theory, this paper analyzes the embarrassed ESP teaching situation in Chinese colleges and puts forward a new College English teaching mode of “on-line MOOC courses + CBI + ESP ”(MCE) for the improvement of Non-English majors’ General English and academic English. The practical teaching experiment described in the paper includes quantitative and qualitative researches and tentatively proves the efficiency of this MCE teaching model on the improvement of learners’ learning motivation, learning strategies, and English proficiency.
Index Terms—Content-based instruction(CBI), ESP (English for special purposes), modern information technology, MOOC.
Bao Xiangling is with the Foreign Language Department in Nanyang Institute of Technology, Nanyang, China (e-mail: baoxiangling@126.com).
Cite: Bao Xiangling, "Study on Chinese College ESP Teaching in the Background of Mooc," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 27-31, 2017.