Abstract—A 1:1 Ergonomic apparatus was designed and fabricated for a solar electric passenger car in compliance with the regulations prescribed in the document ‘World Solar Challenge - Rules and Regulations 2013’ and the road rules of the country. The apparatus has adjustable cabin dimensions to incorporate various body dimensions that are required for a passenger car. Several ergonomic parameters were used to obtain an optimum design. Importance was given to safety, human machine interface and comfort. The Ergonomics features were designed, analyzed and validated using the solid modeling software CATIA to make a prototype to incorporate the people within the range of 95 percentile male to 5 percentile female.
Index Terms—Cabin, ergonomics, solar car, world solar challenge (WSC), catia.
Karam Siva Bhushan Reddy, Amol Grover, and P. S. Sujay are with the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Solar Mobil Manipal, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal 576104, Karnataka, India (e-mail: siva.k@learner.manipal.edu, sujay.paratala@gmail.com, amol93grover@yahoo.co.in).
M Vijaya Kini is with Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal 576104, Karnataka, India (e-mail: mv.kini@manipal.edu).
Cite: Karam Siva Bhushan Reddy, M. Vijaya Kini, Amol Grover, and P. S. Sujay, "Ergonomics of a Custom Made Solar Electric Car," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 212-215, 2016.