Abstract—This research aims to study the usability of domato stone as coarse aggregate in mixure of permeable asphalt pavement. This study focuses to examine the compressive strength and the stress strain relationship of permeable asphalt containing domato stone and BNA (Buton Natural Asphalt) Blend. Domato stone is a limestone containing quarzite dolomite that obtained from the coast of the Banggai island, Central Celebes. The test results shows that the stress strain curve of compression test results for dense asphalt concrete was similar to the stress strain curve of the porous asphalt using domato stone and BNA blend.The unconfined compressive test result of porous asphalt containing domato stone showed that the mixture with 4% BNA has compressive strength value 2.4MPa and void ratio 19.2%, respectively.
Index Terms—Permeable asphal pavement, domato stone, buton natural asphalt (BNA) blend, stress strain curve, compressive strength.
The authors are with the Civil Enginering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia (e-mail: firdauschairuddin@gmail.com, tjaronge@yahoo.co.jp, ramli@unhas.ac.id, patandukjohannes@yahoo.ac.id).
Cite: Firdaus Chairuddin, M. Wihardi Tjaronge, Muhammad Ramli, and Johannes Patanduk, "Compressive Strength of Permeable Asphalt Pavement Using Domato Stone (Quarzite Dolomite) and Buton Natural Asphalt (BNA) Blend," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 183-186, 2016.