Abstract—The development of contemporary nations and society had been characterized by the abilities and skills of their inhabitants in various sectors. Some of these nations decreased over a period of time and were substituted by others. Yet they remain marks of architecture and historical features that stand out as landmarks. The architectural heritage represents the most common and clear evidence for these nations. Therefore, many civilizations attempt to conserve, explore and develop the essence of its architectural vocabularies. GCC countries have been characterized by architectural style that emerged from its environmental and geographical circumstances. Wind catchers are one such feature. The use of this device had decreased over the years. However, they emerged again in many contemporary buildings but without their functional characteristics.
The purpose of this research is to investigate and explore the natural light characteristics of this device through the investigation of old existing device and explore the effectiveness of its parameters and factors applicability.
Index Terms—Light performance, wind catchers, traditional gulf architecture, natural light.
Egal Kkalaf Aljofi is with the University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia (e-mail: ealjofi@gmail.com).
Cite: Egal Kkalaf Aljofi, "The Measures of Light Performance of Wind Catchers in Hot Climatic Zones," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 45-49, 2016.