Abstract—Construction is the activity that generates more
waste in the world. Even with international actions being done
to seek sustainable solutions in human activities, few changes in
the construction have been observed. In Brazil, measures are
being taken to adapt the waste-generating activities to new
environmental commitments. In 2002, a specific law on
construction and demolition waste (CDW) (Res. 307 Law 12,305)
was established to reduce its production or use its material and
ensure its proper destination. In 2011 the plaster recycling was
established by resolution 431 amending Res. 307. Thus, this
work had the objective of using waste gypsum and red ceramic
as building material. Different proportions were mixed and
tests were made to evaluate their physical and mechanical
performance and also optical microscopy. The results indicated
that the mortar produced with recycled plaster and ceramic
waste meets Brazilian technical standards as components of
brick wall.
Index Terms—Ceramic waste, construction and demolition
waste, plaster, recycling.
Sara B. Ferreira, Paulo C. Domingues, and Silvete M. Soares are with
Federal Institute of Science and Technology, Poços de Caldas, MG, Brazil
(e-mail: sara.ferreira@ifsuldeminas.edu.br,
paulo.domingues@ifsuldeminas.edu.br, silvetemari@yahoo.com.br).
Gladis Camarini is with the School of Civil Engineering and Urban
Design at University of Campinas, UNICAMP. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil,
Av. Albert Einstein, 951, POBox 6021, CEP: 13083-852, Campinas, SP
(e-mail: gcamarini@gmail.com, camarini@fec.unicamp.br).
Cite: Sara B. Ferreira, Paulo C. Domingues, Silvete M. Soares, and Gladis Camarini, "Recycled Plaster and Red Ceramic Waste Based Mortars," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 209-214, 2015.