Abstract—This paper proposes a speed load control of induction motor using immune algorithm (IA) and fuzzy phase plane controller. Fuzzy membership functions, phase plane theory and the IA are employed to design the proposed controller (FPPC) for controlling the speed of an induction motor with loading, based on the desired specifications. The proposed FPPC has merits of rapid response, simply designed fuzzy logic control and an explicitly designed phase plane theory. Simulations and experimental results reveal that the proposed FPPC is superior in optimal speed and load control to conventional PI controller.
Index Terms—Fuzzy phase plane, immune algorithm, speed load control.
C. L. Chiang is with the Nan Kai University of Technology, Nan-Tou, Taiwan, ROC (e-mail: t129@ nkut.edu.tw).
Cite: Chao-Lung Chiang, "Speed Load Control of Induction Motor Using Immune Algorithm and Fuzzy Phase Plane Controller," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 299-303, 2014.