Abstract—The aim of this study is analysis the architectural vocabulary which governed the design concept of the traditional Arab architecture and highlighted its distinctive characteristics . A good method as an approach towards a contemporary design concept. The object research is to analyse traditional settlement patterns and building types, and giving many useful indications. especially for solutions aiming at natural climate control. which could serve as a useful foundation upon which to develop new solutions more in keeping with the local economics, environment, and society than those that have replaced the traditional ones. Many traditional techniques could be improved, using new materials and knowledge, rather than totally abandoned. It would be of great benefit also if societies with similar conditions could share their traditional solutions to specific problems. Following appraisal, some solutions may be rejected as inappropriate .
Index Terms—Arab traditional hot arid climate architecture contemporary.
The authors are with the Department of Construction Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Marche, via Brecce Bianche1, 60131Ancona, Italy (e-mail: aymnajaj85@yahoo.com, f.pugnaloni@univpm.it).
Cite: Aiman Ajaj and Fausto Pugnaloni, "Re-Thinking Traditional Arab Architecture: A Traditional Approach to Contemporary Living," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 286-289, 2014.