Abstract—Application of high strength steel to stiffened girder of cable stayed bridge has the advantage of saving steel. However, it is generally known that the rotational capacity (ductility) of the high strength steel is smaller than that of
conventional steel, and application of high strength steel can cause ductility problems in bridge. The rotational capacity of
Beam-column is a crucial design parameter in stiffened girder of
cable stayed bridge. In this study, high strength steel with yield stress of 690MPa was used. The rotational capacity of the beam-column with high strength steel was derived based on the stress-strain curve of high strength steel. The theoretical model
was verified through a series of experimental results and parametric study.
Index Terms—Ductility, rotational capacity, high strength steel, beam-column cable-stayed bridges.
The authors are with the School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, South Korea (e-mail: obladia@korea.ac.kr, jmoon1979@korea.ac.k, player90@nate.com, helee@korea.ac.kr).
Cite: H. S. Joo, J. Moon, J. K. Kim, and H. E. Lee, "Rotational Capacity of Beam-Column with High Strength
Steel," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 249-254, 2014.