Abstract—This paper describes the design of fuzzy logic controller for a line following robot. The controller accepts inputs from two light sensors mounted underneath the robot and generates motion commands to keep the robot on track. The performance of the proposed controller is compared with simple on-off control and it is observed that fuzzy logic control is better choice owing to its smoothness in following the desired track and lesser amount of time taken in completing the track. The platform is ideal to study in real time the various fuzzy inference systems and hence can be utilized as laboratory course work for soft computing algorithms.
Index Terms—Line following, fuzzy logic control, on-off control.
Umar Farooq and Muhammad Amar are with Department of Electrical Engineering, University of The Punjab Lahore (e-mail: engr.umarfarooq@yahoo.com; amar.ete611@yahoo.com).
Muhammad Usman Asad, Ghulam Abbas, and Athar Hanif are with Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Lahore (e-mail: usmanasad01@hotmail.com, ghulam. abbas@ee.uol.edu. Pk, athar.hanif@ee.uol.edu.pk).
Cite: Umar Farooq, Muhammad Amar, Muhammad Usman Asad, Ghulam Abbas, and Athar Hanif, "Fuzzy Logic Reasoning System for Line Following Robot," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 244-248, 2014.