Abstract—Thispaper evaluates the seismic behavior of three
different cable-stayed bridge types. The three types of
cable-stayed bridge (fan, semi-harp and harp) have been
modeled in a finite element computer program and analyzed
with the nonlinear static method. The main purpose of this
work is controlling the displacement of the top point of the
bridge’s tower. The natural period and the
maximumdisplacement of these three bridge types are
compared. In addition, the models are compared for two
different loading patterns.
Index Terms—Cable-stayed bridges, displacement, nonlinear
analysis, seismic behavior
The authors are with the Civil Eng. Dept., Shahid Bahonar Univ. of
Kerman, Kerman, Iran (e-mail: morteza.fadaee@gmail.com,
h.khatami90@gmail.com, m.vajdian@gmail.com,
mostafa.fadaee@gmail.com, mjfadaee@uk.ac.ir).
Cite:Morteza Fadaee, Hossein Khatami, Mahdi Vajdian, Mostafa Fadaee, and Mohammad J. Fadaee, "Investigationon the Seismic Behavior of Cable-Stayed
Bridges Using Incremental Static Analysis," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 685-688, 2013.