Abstract—Ageing population’s increasing ratio is alarming.
Fast increase in ageing population means the growing of
chronic diseases as well. Diabetes type 2 is a chronic disease
which commonly found in elder persons. Technological
innovations in health care sector playing an enormous role in
improving the healthy life of all humans. Use of latest
technologies in perceiving the health services are now common.
The focus of this study is to investigate how the features of
usability help in designing the mobile phone for elder persons
with minimum complexities. The study is based on the literature
review with the perspective of usability and functionality of the
mobile phone. In this part we do not focus on usability as a
whole because usability itself is broad field, but we mainly
target the usability attributes which helps in designing the
simple mobile phones for elder persons. We will describe the
usability attributes which are necessary in the phase of
designing new mobile phone for elder persons. The combined
study of functionality of mobile phone and its usefulness will be
helpful for the designers and manufacturers of mobile phones in
understanding the future requirements of the users.
Index Terms—Elderly, functionality, mobile phones,
The authors were with Blekinge Institute of Technology, SE- 37179
Karlskrona, Sweden (e-mail: farrukhsahar@yahoo.com, tosif@live.com).
Cite:S. T. Raza and F. Sahar, "An Investigation on Perspective of Usability and
Functionality of Mobile Phones for Elderly," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 398-401, 2013.