Abstract—This paper presents a novel method to extract energy from tidal currents by using a permanent magnet linear synchronous generator for an oscillating hydrofoil. In this work, an initial design of a linear generator is proposed for a biomimetically inspired oscillating hydrofoil system as a tidal energy generator. The device is designed to manipulate the flow stream and contained energy. It demonstrates a noticeable increase in efficiency when compared with data from existing industrial prototypes. Thus, a heightened theoretical coefficient of power and decreased cycle times are calculated for the device. The whole system is surveyed from the hydrofoil to the sample load. The main aim of the paper is to depict a new design in handling the hydrofoils in a tidal current regime.
Index Terms—Battery, oscillating hydrofoil, permanent magnet linear synchronous generator, rectifier, tidal currents.
S. Tarafdar is with the Amirkabir University of Technology, Center of Excellence in Power Systems, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: tarafdar61@aut.ac.ir).
M. Abroshan is with the Islamic Azad University, Shahre Rey Branch, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: abroshan@aut.ac.ir).
M. Mirsalim is with the Amirkabir University of Technology, Center of Excellence in Power Systems, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: mirsalim@aut.ac.ir).
Cite: S. Tarafdar, M. Abroshan, and M. Mirsalim, "Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Generator for an Oscillating Hydrofoil in a Tidal Current Regime," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 231-236, 2013.