Abstract—A VEGA (Vector Evaluated Genetic Algorithm) based method to derive a reduced order (th-order) model for a given stable discrete-time system is presented. In this method not only stability is preserved and the first time-moments/Markov-parameters are fully retained but also the errors between a set of subsequent time-moments/Markov-parameters of the system and those of the model are minimized. The method is useful as it guarantees improvement as well as alleviates the problems of deciding the values of number of error functions to be minimized. Furthermore, the operations of the proposed method are carried out entirely in domain. The search area for GA is very wide and it usually converges to a point near global optima.
Index Terms—Discrete-time systems, Model reduction, Routh-Padé approximants.
S. K. Mittal, Research Scholar, U. P. Technical University, Lucknow, India
Dinesh Chandra is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad 211004, India
Bharti Dwivedi is with, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India.
Cite: Shailendra K. Mittal, Dinesh Chandra and Bharti Dwivedi, "VEGA Based Routh-Padé Approximants ForDiscrete Time Systems: A Computer-AidedApproach," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 424-429, 2009.
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