Abstract—The purpose of this thesis is to apply an action research methodology used to guide a sports invention towards sports innovation, and to be presented as a new sport. Although the stage developed in R + D was very successful, these results imply a greater differentiated effort as it is R + D + i. Thus, two central objectives were proposed: a) to identify the target population and the sports context that encourage research, b) to propose on the use of strategies to organize and promote innovation. The result of the investigation offers a new solution, registered as “Rasboard”. The thesis proposes strategies for innovation in downhill sports practice. The same ones that can generate the opening of a new market in a new recreational and sports activity.
Index Terms—Extreme sports, technological development in sports, innovation in sports, innovation strategies.
Consuelo Cano is with the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú (e-mail: consuelo.cano@pucp.edu.pe).
Cite: Consuelo Cano, "Disruptive Innovation in “RASBOARD” Vehicle in Sports Practice in DOWNHILL Based in New Control System in Direction and Brakes," International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 36-39, 2021.